Cooperation of LEDIB Programme and PE Airport Nis started in June 2009, and so far several projects and trainings have been implemented. Together with Transport and Traffic Engineering Faculty from Belgrade, in February 2010, the project financed by LEDIB Programme was initiated in order to make the Analysis of Nis Airport catchment area passenger potential. The completion of this Study is planned for the beginning of May 2010. Also, the workshop related to Financial Management and International Accounting Standards was held in June 2009, and workshop on Bases of Expenditure Accounting on November 6, 2009. Another workshop, related to Airport Marketing, was held during March 2010, representing the first step towards defining the Marketing Strategy and Marketing Plan of Nis Airport. The aim of further Nis Airport employees trainings related to marketing, planned by end-September, is to establish the Marketing Department at Nis Airport as well as to implement the defined Marketing Plan and Strategy.